“Get the solved assignment answers for BEVAE-181 (Environmental Studies) for the December 2023 session. This post provides step-by-step solutions to all the questions, helping IGNOU students prepare effectively for their assignments.”
Total 50 Marks Exam
Q1: The concept of Sustainable Development was formally defined
in :
(1) Brundtland Commission Report (2) Delor Commission Report
(3) Swaminathan Commission Report (4) Maurice Strong Commission Report
Answer: (1) Brundtland Commission Report
Q2: Moving from pollution intensive economic production to environment
friendly processes :
(1) Environmental Transition (2) Technological Transition
(3) Industrial Transition (4) Economic Transition
Answer: (1) Environmental Transition
Q3: Which one of the following is not one of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) ?
(1) Clean water and sanitation (2) Affordable and clean energy
(3) Clean air (4) Life on land
Answer: (3) Clean air
Q4: Decomposers are otherwise known as :
(1) Autotrophs (2) Heterotrophs
(3) Phagotrophs (4) Saprotrophs
Answer: (4) Saprotrophs
Q5: Which one of the following statements related to ecosystem is false ?
(1) All ecosystems have well defined boundaries.
(2) Ecosystem represents enormous contrast in size and complexity.
(3) Ecosystem is a unit of study.
(4) The term ecosystem was coined by Tansley.
Answer: (1) All ecosystems have well defined boundaries.
Q6: Water component of biosphere is known as :
(1) Lithosphere (2) Atmosphere
(3) Hydrosphere (4) Biosphere
Answer: (3) Hydrosphere
Q7: In which of the following trophic level quaternary consumers are
found ?
(1) Trophic level-I (2) Trophic level-III
(3) Trophic level-IV (4) Trophic level-V
Answer: (3) trophic Level
Q8: In which type of forest hemlock, yew and maple trees are found ?
(1) Temperate rain forest
(2) Temperate evergreen forest
(3) Temperate deciduous forest
(4) Coniferous forest
Answer: (3) Temperate deciduous forest
Q9: Which one of the following is a predator of desert locust ?
(1) Calotes
(2) White rumped vultures
(3) White scaventure vultures
(4) Loricata
Answer: (1) Calotes
Q10: Organism found living at the bottom of the water mass is known as :
(1) Nekton (2) Plankton
(3) Neuston (4) Benthic
Answer: (4) Bentic
Q11: Which of the following oceanic zone is rich in species and high in
productivity ?
(1) Littoral zone (2) Pelagic zone
(3) Neritic zone (4) Benthic zone
Answer: Neritic Zone
Q12: Which of the following is a non-renewable resource ?
(1) Forest (2) Water
(3) Pastures (4) Minerals
Answer: (4) Minerals
Q13: The total salt content in fresh water is :
(1) Below 3% (2) Below 1.5%
(3) Below 2% (4) Below 2.5%
Answer: (2) Below 1.5%
Q14: Which of the following soils is best suited for cotton ?
(1) Red soil (2) Black soil
(3) Laterite soil (4) Alluvial soil
Answer: (2) Black soil
Q15: Which one of the following is not a soil conservation method ?
(1) Construction of checkdams
(2) Planting of trees
(3) Keeping the soil wet
(4) Formation of broad wall along the coast
Answer: (4) Formation of broad wall along the coast
Q16: Which one of the following is an economic significance of forests ?
(1) Supporting natural ecological systems and processes
(2) Moderation of global climate
(3) Protection of biodiversity
(4) Deriving products to be used as insecticides and pesticides
Answer: (4) Deriving products to be used as insecticides and pesticides
Q17: Which of the following statements related to forest is not correct ?
(1) It is a major source of carbon sink.
(2) It prevents landslides.
(3) It is directly responsible for vector-borne diseases.
(4) It is the greatest repository of biodiversity.
Answer: (3) It is directly responsible for vector-borne diseases.
Q18: Deforestation leads to :
(1) increased soil erosion
(2) reduction in the carbon dioxide liberated by plants
(3) increases in the water table
(4) decrease in pollution
Answer: (1) increased soil erosion
Q19: Which one of the following species is highest in number in the
biodiversity ?
(1) Plant (2) Animal
(3) Fish (4) Insects and micro-organisms
Answer: (4) Insects and micro-organisms
Q20: Which of the following biogeographic zone covers the largest area in
India ?
(1) The coasts (2) The Western Ghats
(3) The Deccan peninsula (4) The Gangetic plain
Answer: (3) The Deccan peninsula
Q21: Which of the following is a biological hotspot in India ?
(1) The Eastern Ghats
(2) The Western Ghats
(3) The Sunderbans in West Bengal
(4) Bhitar Kanika in Odisha
Answer: (2) The Western Ghats
Q22: Which one of the following is not an indirect use value of biodiversity ?
(1) Aesthetic value (2) Bequest value
(3) Non-consumptive value (4) Cultural and religious value
Answer: (1) Aesthetic value
Q23: Which one of the following is not a non-conventional source of energy ?
(1) Atomic energy (2) Solar energy
(3) Wind energy (4) Geothermal energy
Answer: (1) Atomic energy
Q24: Which of the following areas in India is considered to be suitable for
geothermal energy ?
(1) The North-Western Himalaya
(2) The North-Eastern Himalaya
(3) The Western Rajasthan
(4) The East Coast of India
Answer: (2) The North-Eastern Himalaya
Q25: More than half of the energy need of India is met by :
(1) Oil (2) Coal
(3) Hydropower (4) Natural gas
Answer: (2) Coal
Q26: Urjagram refers to :
(1) Villages which produce their own required energy resources.
(2) Villages in which non-conventional alternative system has been
installed by government on experimental basis.
(3) Model villages were established to create awareness about
judicious use of energy resources.
(4) It is not related to energy resources.
Answer: (1) Villages which produce their own required energy resources.
Q27: Which of the following is an example of selective destruction ?
(1) Sea gulls (2) Cheetah
(3) Passenger pigeons (4) Crocodiles
Answer: (3) Passenger pigeons
Q28: Which one of the following animals is not a part of commerical hunting ?
(1) Whale (2) Deer
(3) Snake (4) Wild Ass
Answer: (4) Wild Ass
Q29: Which of the following is not an example of invasive species ?
(1) Water hyacinth (2) Congress weed
(3) Sweet pea (4) Mesquite
Answer:(3) Sweet pea
Q30: Which of the following is an example of in-situ conservation ?
(1) National parks (2) Zoological parks
(3) Captive breeding (4) Fostering
Answer: (1) National parks
Q31: Which of the following is a non-point source pollutant ?
(1) Discharge of effluents through chimneys
(2) Discharge through pipes from industries
(3) Run-offs from agricultural fields
(4) Dumping of toxins in a confined area
Answer: (3) Run-offs from agricultural fields
Q32: Which of the following is not a primary pollutant ?
(1) Carbon monoxide (2) Carbon dioxide
(3) Sulphur dioxide (4) Sulphuric acid
Answer: (4) Sulphuric acid
Q33: Standard level of RSPM in India is :
(1) 50 microgram per cubic metre
(2) 60 microgram per cubic metre
(3) 40 microgram per cubic metre
(4) 30 microgram per cubic metre
Answer: (2) 60 microgram per cubic metre
Q34: The best way to dispose nuclear waste is :
(1) Incineration (2) Underground disposal
(3) Dumping at sea (4) Landfill disposal
Answer: (2) Underground disposal
Q35: Coliform can be detected by conducting :
(1) MPN test (2) TDS test
(3) BOD test (4) COD test
Answer: (1) MPN test
Q36: Which one of the following is not a waste minimisation method ?
(1) Process modification (2) Waste segregation
(3) Recycling of waste (4) Waste concentration
Answer: (4) Waste concentration
Q37: Which of the following is a biological treatment method of waste ?
(1) Incineration (2) Solidification
(3) Digestion (4) Solution
Answer: (3) Digestion
Q38: Which of the following is not a Green House Gas ?
(1) Carbon dioxide (2) Methane
(3) Sulphur dioxide (4) Chlorofluorocarbon
Answer: (3) Sulphur dioxide
Q40: Which one of the following is not one of the eight missions of National
Action Plan on climate change ?
(1) National water mission
(2) National mission for green India
(3) National mission for sustainable agriculture
(4) National rural health mission
Answer: (4) National rural health mission
Q41: Ozone layer in the atmosphere is generally found in :
(1) Upper layer of the stratosphere
(2) Upper layer of the troposphere
(3) Upper layer of the mesosphere
(4) Upper layer of the ionosphere
Answer: (1) Upper layer of the stratosphere
Q42: The principal bench of National Green Tribunal is located at :
(1) New Delhi (2) Mumbai
(3) Kolkata (4) Chennai
Answer: (1) New Delhi
Q43: Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer was
agreed by nations in :
(1) 1985 (2) 1987
(3) 1989 (4) 1991
Answer: (2) 1987
Q43: The Basel Convention is related to :
(1) Bodiversity
(2) Ozone layer depletion
(3) Chemicals and hazardous wastes
(4) Climate change
Answer: (3) Chemicals and hazardous wastes
Q44: Which of the following diseases is not due to genetic influence ?
(1) Haemophilia (2) Sickle cell anaemia
(3) Down’s syndrome (4) Schizophrenia
Answer: (4) Schizophrenia
Q45: Match the following and find out the correct alternatives given below :
Category Name of the hazard
(a) Atmospheric (i) Forest fire
(b) Biological (ii) Drought
(c) Geological (iii) Heat wave
(d) Hydrological (iv) Landslides
Codes :
(1) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii (2) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
(3) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv (4) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
Answer: (2) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
a) Atmospheric – (iii) Heat wave
(b) Biological – (i) Forest fire
(c) Geological – (iv) Landslides
(d) Hydrological – (ii) Drought
Q46: Which of the following region falls under high seismic zones in India ?
(1) Coastal Odisha (2) Rann of Kachchh
(3) Eastern Rajasthan (4) Bundelkhand
Answer: (2) Rann of Kachchh
Q47: What could be the population of the world by 2100 ?
(1) 11.2 billion (2) 11.8 billion
(3) 13.2 billion (4) 13.8 billion
Answer: (1) 11.2 billion
Q48: Which of the following is not an ENVIS centre ?
(1) National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH), Ahmedabad
(2) Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS) Indian Institute of Science,
(3) All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
(4) Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITCR), Lucknow
Answer: (2) Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS) Indian Institute of Science,
Q49: Which one of the following view towards the nature believes that all
organisms on the Earth have values and rights ?
(1) Anthropocentrism (2) Ecocentrism
(3) Ecofeminism (4) Stewardship
Answer: 2) Ecocentrism
Q50: Using English material to communicate to non-English speaking
communities is an example of :
(1) Procedural inequity (2) Geographical inequity
(3) Social inequity (4) Economic inequity
Answer: (3) Social inequity
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